Volume 8, Issue 1, December 2023 | Updated Version

Development of an Adjustable Cacao Pod-Sleeving Device

Published: December 31, 2023


Firstname M. Lastname

Department, University, City, Country


Shaina Mae P. Hidlay, Luche Ann O. Padillo, and Jetron Adtoon*

College of Engineering Education, University of Mindanao, Philippines

*Corresponding author: jetron.adtoon22@gmail.com 


cacao, pod-sleeving device, applied research.

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The most common problem in farming is the infestation of their crops, making the production yield lower. Instead of using chemicals to prevent infestation, some farmers, particularly in the cacao industry, use another way to protect the cacao pods. One way of safeguarding the cacao pods is to sleeve using biodegradable plastic. Based on studies, pests cannot affect about 85%-95% of the sleeved cacao pods; however, among the unsleeved ones, 96% were damaged. The importance of having the cacao pod sleeved plays a vital role in the overall production rate. Cacao pods are distanced from one another, with some found on the treetop. The significance of having a device to assist in the process brought this study to reality. The study focused on designing and fabricating an adjustable cacao pod-sleeving device capable of extending the length to reach. The final output can be retracted and extended through the controls managed by a microcontroller. The device significantly decreased the time spent by manually sleeving the pods, given the varying cacao plant height and cacao pod location.